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Depression’s Main Types and Signs

Severe mood disorder and mood swings are the major issues in depression. Thinking and feelings towards activities and handling daily chores are greatly affected by this mood changes and mood swings. Many signs and symptoms of depression are mainly noticed after two weeks and this is when depression is diagnosed in a victim.

Many circumstances and actions can lead to depression. Persistent depressive disorder which lasts to a period of two years is one of the major type of depression. Signs and symptoms are seen throughout the two year period but they are not that serious. Postpartum depression is a bit and higher severe than the other forms of depression.

Postpartum depression is likely to be more severe than the depression after giving birth. The depression is common during the pregnancy and after delivering where one faces full brown depression. Among the symptoms seen include sadness, fatigue and exhaustion, high levels of anxiety. The mother faces a difficulty in handling the infant and herself.

Psychotic depression is another form of depression that results when there is an instance of depression mixed with instances of psychosis. This instance of psychosis include disturbing untrue fixed views and beliefs. Hallucinations are common in psychotic depression where on hears untrue sounds and sees false images. Illness, delusions of poverty and guilt are a common psychotic signs.

Seasonal effective disorder occurs when there is onset of new seasons like winter. However, the depression shifts during the summer and the spring seasons. Public withdrawal, high sleeping periods, weight gain and heavy feeding are some of the signs that are common in the seasonal depression. This depression ends when the season ends.

Some of the signs and symptoms of depression and that are likely to happen on a day to day basis include emptiness which results as a result of sadness and anxious moods. In depression, one faces a feeling of depression, guilt and helplessness. Losing interest is common in depression and one barely finds pleasure from any activities. Fatigue, exhaustion and lack of energy are also signs of depression and that greatly affects the victim.

Many depression victims find it hard to concentrate and remember whilst also facing major difficulty in decision making. Sleeping is a major issue that the victims of depression suffer and they are likely to oversleep while some also may have difficulties to sleep. Appetite changes is a common sign and symptom in victims of depression. Victims facing severe depression are likely to have suicidal thoughts and some others may even attempt suicide. Headaches are common and some pains can be very disturbing.

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