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Tips on Choosing a Marriage Therapist

Disagreements are threats to marriages, and when things get worse the marriage ends in a divorce or a separation. Marriage therapy sessions can come in handy as it gives the couple a chance to salvage their relationship. Here are some tips on choosing a marriage therapist.

First, you need to look into the qualifications of the marriage therapist. It is advisable to arrange for a meeting prior to the commencement of the counseling sessions where you review the therapists credentials such as his license, operations certificate and their level of training. A therapists character and view on marriage can be assessed during this session. During the first meeting you can inquire on information about the length of the therapy sessions and also make a schedule which is convenient and in harmony with your activities.

The second factor you ought to take into consideration is the experience of the marriage therapist you choose. A therapists’ experience can be assessed by the number of years he or she has been in operation and the number of successfully marriages the therapist has been able to save from breaking. It is easier for therapists who have been in operation for long periods of time to handle a situation you present to them as chances are high that they have faced the situation before. The more experienced a therapist is, the higher the chances that they can save guide you to a harmonious marriage with your spouse.

The amount of money charged per session by the therapist is the third factor you ought to take into consideration. Some therapist charge per hour while others charge per session and it is important that you agree on the terms of payment before you commence on the therapy sessions. Proper and clear financial plans can be made when you have information on the amount of money you are expected to pay.
Fourthly, take into consideration the reputation of the marriage therapist you choose to have sessions with. A therapist reputation can be assessed by reviews from previous clients he or she has had therapy sessions with. Reviews are based on first-hand interactions and they give insight on the quality of service offered by a therapist. Go for marriage therapists who have good reviews especially on their attributes.

The final factor you need to take into consideration when choosing a marriage therapist, choose one who uses and has perfected known and viable therapy techniques. A therapist who observes complete neutrality throughout the therapy session and works towards finding a solution for marriage is the best choice. Terminate sessions immediately if a therapist gangs up or victimizes one of the spouses and denies equal expression opportunities to both parties. Take up sessions with a therapist who sets objectives with his couples and works towards achieving them.

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